Sunday, June 7, 2009

Rondo (Chapter Five: Focus)

I have no idea what I'm going to do. All I know is that I have to suck his blood, but how?

I hid behind a tree and noticed that he was talking on the phone. At this time of day?! It's almost...8 something. This is not going to be easy. However, I couldn't help but overhear his conversation.

"No Goro, she's not coming with me." She? Who is this person? I could hear a little bit of mumbling on the other line, but I couldn't translate what he was saying.

"What do you mean?" Wow, he was upset. He yelled into the phone and he threw it on the ground. This was my chance, but I really had no clue what I was doing.

I walked over to the mess, and the man was quickly picking up the pieces. He looked at me and jumped. Why was he scared again? Oh, yeah.

His expression turned from panick to calm. What the heck? "Oh thank goodness." he chuckled, standing up and holding the remains of his cellphone. He thinks I'm good?!? "I thought you were someone else for a moment." Yes, I am someone else...wait..what? "I'm alright right no, so why don't you go ahead and play with your friends?"

If this were an anime, there would be a sound of a record stopping in the background. I could tell that he was panicking. ", HELP!" He dropped the phone remains and started running. I chased him.

I don't know what came over me, but I didn't want him to run away screaming like a little girl, which was pretty funny by the way. I chuckled for a little bit.

Risa and Reina were on my tail the entire time. Well, of course, they are my trainers after all. The man ran to an alley and soon we came to a dead end. Finally because my knees nearly buckled for a minute.

I cracked my knuckles and grinned at him. It wasn't a nice grin or anything sappy like that, it was devilish. "Where are you going?" I asked him, my voice sounding different. He didn't respond, just gulped. His mind was racking up ne ideas to escape.

I pushed him against the wall and bared my fangs. His eyes grew very big and wide with fear. "You can't be..." I turned his head to the side, and I could smell his blood. I started sucking his blood until I could feel his body weakening. His limp body fell and he as uncoscious. I just looked at him and turned around.

"Okay you two, you can come out now."
Dang. That girl is good on her first day of traning. I'm pretty shocked at the moment. This girl doesn't really have that much training to do, so she's fine today. I came out from one building of the alley, and Risa jumped from a tree.

"Good job Ai-chan." I applauded. "Yeah, you were great out there." Risa was about to go into Reaction Queen mode anytime now. "Really?" Ai-chan blushed and scratched the back of her head. "Duh Ai-chan." I made a funny face and I started giggling. Risa and Ai-chan just looked at me like I was crazy. What?

"Uh..anyway, I don't think you need any training right now." I told her, a little bit unsure. But she was awesome out there, so I have to give her credit.

"Reina?" I turend around and saw JunJun, again. It looked like she was hunting for a target too. But why was she here? "Morning Jun." I greeted, my expression a little confused. "Oh, morning JunJun!" Risa became the Reaction Queen, tugging on JunJun's sleeve.

"Ai-chan, this is JunJun." We all know that Risa. JunJun bowed. "She's a vampire." I finished. Of course she is, it's obvious. What am I saying? "It's very nice to meet you." Ai-chan bowed in reply. "Oh my god, yay!" Risa held Ai-chan's hand, and their faces were crimson. I felt like teasing them at that point. " least we all met." Risa finished her statement. I nodded in agreement. JunJun scanned the alley and saw her target. "Well it was nice meeting you Ai-chan." She waved at us before running of to her target. We all said "goodbye" and we just looked at each other for a moment.

"So JunJun hunts in the daytime now?" Risa asked, breaking the silence. She was still holding Ai-chan's hand, but their faces weren't as crimson anymore. Crap, I was just about to tease them again. "So, how do you feel?" I questioned Ai-chan, who was looking down at the pavement. "Okay I guess." she replied. So she's doing fine. "Good, now what are we going to do?" I looked around the alley for any sign of escaping. "Well, we can get out of here." Risa suggested. Well duh Risa. But before I could say anything, she jumped over a wall. Ai-chan followed and I was right after them.

I must admit, Risa and I are doing very well on this task so far. I guess it's time to tell Yossie and Miki the news later in the night.
"Okay, what now?" I asked as the three of us were at the park. No response came from the two girls. I turned around, and they had a blank stares. Their faces were expressionless, but for some strange reason, I couldn't stop staring at Ai-chan. But seriously, what was up with these two?

"HELLO?" I shouted, my voice echoing into the noisy park. Still nothing. I walked over to Ai-chan and Reina, and waved my hands in front of their eyes. Still no response! Oh, what to do, what to do?

OH MY GOD, did they die or something? No, they would have passed out by now. I paced around in circles. I was scared now.

Before I went completely ballistic, a giggle escaped from Ai-chan's lips. Then from Reina. I was so confused, I felt like screaming. "GOTCHA!" Reina and Ai-chan shouted at the same time. The two started laughing, but they stopped as they noticed my eyes growing bigger and bigger. They knew I was going to explode in 5...4..3..2..

"USO!!!!!!! GET BACK HERE!!!" They ran off, trying to escape my Reaction Queen moment. I chased them..again. Where are they running off to? I'm tired already.

I just decided to follow them, not knowing what else to do.

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